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Modular Synthesis - Soul Pass Filter


Modular synthesizers offer a tactile approach to sound production that is consistently inventive by design. Emerging from the 1960s counterculture, they are a product of expansive thinking that challenged conventions in both instrument design and creative practice. Six decades later, the limits of possibility only increased. In Modular Synthesis Studio, I have learned and applied concepts of voltage-controlled synthesizers to creative coding and embedded computing platforms.

You can find the whole class sound album at this link.

The standalone demo video of the module I designed, along with the Spotify link, is provided below. You can also listen to it on Apple Music through this link.

Modular Synthesis Studio


Alex Chechile


Serge Patch

Euro Daisy


My Skills


User Interface Design

Module Design

Module Design

The SOUL PASS FILTER has three features:
● Allows for the control of Gain for the High/Low Pass Filter via a potentiometer.
● Controls Frequency, Resonance, and Q through a photoresistor sensor.
● Two hands (DIY pressure sensors) independently modulate output CV ranges from -1 to 1 at different frequencies (left at 10,000 Hz and right at 800 Hz).


Characteristics of the filter include Dark, Mysterious, Raw, and Pulsating.
This innovative module leverages advanced sensory technology to deliver a robust and immersive auditory experience

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Devoted to Innovation Design

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